The NVIDIA ProfileUpdaterOnLogon checks your System Profile at logon. If you have updated a graphic driver for example, this will be noted and included in the Profile stored on your computer. You do need this, because when you go to NVIDIA site, their systems read that profile in order to offer you the correct current information and support files that will work on your computer.
The NVIDIA Display Container LS is essentially just a renamed service found in older drivers. LS is short for Local System and the previous name for this service was the NVIDIA Display Helper Service. It creates logs which are stored in C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA directory, which I assume NVIDIA can use when diagnosing issues with your experience, such as screen flickering, or loss of colour quality, or FPS readings etcetera.
Again, I'd leave the Service alone, but if you want to you could change its Startup type from Automatic to Delayed Start, but given how fast Window 10 boots now, you'd barely notice any difference in boot time doing this.
Unfortunately, I am not sure about your last question regarding calibration, given you've chosen to do it via Control Panel. Another Forum member may know and hopefully will respond and let you know.
One last note: When you install the next driver update - whenever that is - bare in mind you will need to disable the Telemetry again, as your current overrides will be replaced when the driver is installed.