When I am writing this is January 16th 2020 and let me tell you why this is still relevant:
As everybody knows support for Windows 7 ended January 14th 2020 so I installed Windows,
however when I was all ready to go and was ready to go back to my Udemy classes on
Data Structures, Algorithms , Operating Systems I realized I had no sound.
I went to my laptop and did everything those tech gurus in YouTube said about it.
Then I remembered that when I bought my speakers , Logitech z200 , back in 2016, I had to a little
bit of Control Panel maneuvering , the instructions were in the speaker's manual.
I threw the manual away 3 years ago , and it downed on me that
since I had erased all partitions , the instructions for the speakers along with my
cygwin drive and all programs had also been erased and just like all my programs
they had to be re-set.
That's how I came across this forum , then I read that there was a guy whose
PC has the exact same configuration as mine , the only change is that he had JUST
bought the exact same set of speakers I have had for 3 years and mine were
not working , I assumed , because I had to re-write the instructions I did 3 years
ago since I had had proof , for 3 years that they did work fine .
Then Norton , very kindly tells this fella : "Hey , don't meant to doubt your
knowledge of sound systems , but make sure it is connected on the green hole".
When I had windows 7 I had my speakers connected the blue hole.
Maybe it helped that I had already tried a cmd command and updated
drivers for my sound device but:
I plugged my logitech Z200 speakers on the green hole and voila , I have sound !
Just like the fella who had the same problem I had , I had assumed the same physical
set-up was going to keep working for the new OS , Windows 10 , not the case.
So , as January 16th 2020 , this issue is still relevant.
Happy Decade everyone !