Netgear a6210 ac1200 wifi adapter refuses to work -- 0.5 mbps on ocla speedtest

Nov 23, 2017
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I have STRUGGLED for HOURS trying to get any decent speed with my Netgear WiFi Adapter (after having had good speed for months on end). The symptom is that, when I boot, I usually get a the WiFi symbol with fully bright arcs (suggesting a fairly strong signal). I then select my home WiFi network, and then "connect", and PRESTO, most of the curved arcs go dim, and I get a speed of a whopping 0.5 MBPS. I have tried NUMEROUS times to COMPLETELY UNINSTALL and REINSTALL both the Genie and the driver software; I have tried to disable and re-enable the Netgear device inside of the Device Manager, I have tried running ReImage Online (as was recommended by someone on one of the Windows 10 Forums I consult), I tried EVERYTHING.

My problems started with a Windows update that was done on Thanksgiving Day, which resulted in a constant red X where the WiFi symbol belongs. I could not resolve that issue, and resorted to running the ReImage Online software, which found a truckload of stuff that needed to be fixed. After that, I uninstalled and re-installed all of the Netgear software (including the Genie interface), and re-installed it. For a season, I had 10-12 Mps (decent, in terms of the WiFi I have been used to--23+ would be considered "excellent"). Now, the speed is the SLOWEST it's ever been--often LESS then 1 MBPS. I also noticed that, frequently, the Netgear adapter's LED light on the side of it turns off shortly after connecting to my home WiFi network.

I am at my wits end with this crap--the only reason why I have internet now is because I ran a 100' Ethernet cable through my house. I'm beginning to believe that the WiFi can no longer be relied on (not even as a backup for a cable problem)
--it just doesn't work.

Does anyone have ANY ideas as to why I'm having SO MANY problems with this thing? Is it the interference? Is it my router (which was ALREADY replaced by Verizon once, possibly twice)? What the * * * * is going on?


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
It may not be an issue with your adapter but your router. Have you tried rebooting your modem/router?
Oct 2, 2014
Reaction score
Do you have or can you borrow another Wifi device to test your speed with (phone, laptop, etc.)? I've had to replace a router once when I had FiOS. Wired worked fine, almost no speed out of the wifi. The router would be my first guess. I'd call Verizon.

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