SOLVED Multiple browsers love em or hate em?


Oct 17, 2015
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I've been a staunch Firefox user from day one and nothing else has graced my desktop ever since'm not sure I can attribute any one thing to Windows 10 as it is likely more of a growing pain from newly updated FF and heavy new Flash security setting within,but allot of embedded video within web-pages are failing to play at all despite having Flash,shockwave and plugins enabled.I refuse to use Edge but have tried the effected websites on there as well and no go with the video...I was all but forced to download Chrome (not a big fan) just to get the embedded video to play without incident.Now this seems a tad ridiculous that I'm needing multiple browsers to simply navigate the web properly but I guess it could be worse and we could have no other choices at all.
My apologies as this thread is more of a statement rather than a question..
opinions?....comments?...weigh in!
Nov 3, 2015
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I've always been a big fan of Maxthon. It has a lot of features that I really like, such as double-clicking a tab to close it, opening a new tab directly from the address bar after typing it in, syncing your favorites across computers, and other such stuff.
Feb 14, 2018
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I as well use 3 browsers depending on what I'm doing. It's a PITA just to get what I want to do done with respect to MY preference as each has it's downfall. As for Edge it may be fast but it saves to much of your personal; information the same as Chrome. There is a new Firefox but I haven't tried it yet! YES I agree with you OP, it's ANNOYING
Nov 19, 2013
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I have tried so many, but, as a standard, I use IE as my principal browser and , bot h on the taskbar, Edge as a backup when I need to multitask. Never experienced any serious problems after several years of the same formula.
Feb 22, 2014
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I was a dedicated IE user for a long time. There was a video conversion application that required Firefox. So I had Firefox installed for awhile and hardly used it for conversions. Started having issues with IE on a website, and made a switch to Opera. I used Opera for about two years and then they changed browser engines to Chromes old engine. I never upgraded to the new engine and when the website was upgraded and started having issues with Opera's old engine, I made a switch to Firefox which I already had installed.

Now when I look back at IE, I find it lacking. And when I look at Edge I find it just as lacking. It's sad really Microsoft dropping support for IE before they had a strong build with Edge. It's not surprising really as MS does this with everything they touch outside of Office. If Microsoft cared they wouldn't be so quick to cause problems for the end user.

I'm also using Mozilla's Thunderbird because MS themselves pushed me away from using Windows Live Mail. I was happy with their mail client until they updated Outlook Mail and WLM no longer worked with their Microsoft's own mail service. I am using Mozilla's Firefox and Thunderbird. And for the moment see no reason to switch.


Sep 22, 2014
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It's never a good idea to just go solo on a browser......sometimes said browser will fail and you need a back up just to access a site or to download a file. That said, with window 10 there are 2 built in IE and Edge. So no need for a 3rd party browser as a back up.

I use Chrome as my primary and FF as my backup and when those to go 10 automatically injects edge as default browser....So I deal with it. If that goes down then there is IE.
Nov 19, 2013
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Yes you can. No problem whatsoever!

Oct 2, 2014
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I have 5 browsers in my quick launch. Opera (my daily driver), Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Tor (basically a modified version of FF). I use them all for different purposes.

You can basically open Microsoft Update Catalog in any browser nowadays. You used to only be able to open it in IE.

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