multiple apps - as if dual monitor


May 17, 2016
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I am thinking of a Desktop with 2 monitors (dual monitor), as I regularly need to work on more than 1 application. I need to open two apps - say Excel and MS word side by side for reference.

So, I was thinking of Dual-monitor as an option. However the real-estate space on the Desk is a penalty.

Instead of that I am thinking of going for a wide-screened PC (34") with Windows 10. Can I simulate the dual monitor appearance on the single wide screen? Does Windows 10 have built in features to do this or do I need to buy a custom software application?

thank you


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score

I may be misinterpreting your request here, but if not:
  • If you have both Word and Excel open, simply give focus to one then press Winkey + left arrow, then give focus to the other and press Winkey + right arrow
  • Both apps will display side by side now taking up half the window each. If you hover your mouse pointer on the center you can click and drag to make one app take less space and allow the other to have more space.


May 17, 2016
Reaction score

I may be misinterpreting your request here, but if not:
  • If you have both Word and Excel open, simply give focus to one then press Winkey + left arrow, then give focus to the other and press Winkey + right arrow
  • Both apps will display side by side now taking up half the window each. If you hover your mouse pointer on the center you can click and drag to make one app take less space and allow the other to have more space.

thank you, yes this is my requirement.

1) Is this feature available from Windows 10 onwards only or in earlier versions as well?
2) Is this feature limited to Windows apps such as Excel/Word or to other apps such as Youtube, and Programming front-end applications as wel?

thank you


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score

This option was definitely available in Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, and now of course Windows 10.

I honestly cannot recall if it was available in Vista or XP. Someone else may remember.

The function works with any open window per say. Thus for example you could have You Tube on the left, and say a Notepad file on the right or vice-versa. Or you could have a folder open on one side and an app on the other etcetera.

I forgot to mention you can have up to four windows / apps open at one time.

For 2 apps or windows open at same time:
  • Winkey + left arrow (app opens on left half of window)
  • Winkey + right arrow (app opens on right half of window)
  • Winkey + UP arrow (app opens top half of window)
  • Winkey + DOWN arrow (app opens bottom half of window)

For 3 apps or windows open at same time:
  • Winkey + left arrow (to display one app on left half of window) then
  • Winkey + Right arrow + UP arrow and Winkey + Right arrow + DOWN arrow (to display the other two apps in 1/4 of right side of window each)

  • Winkey + right arrow (to display one app on right half of window) then
  • Winkey + Left Arrow + UP arrow and Winkey + Left Arrow + DOWN arrow (to display the other two apps in 1/4 of left side of window each)

For 4 apps or windows open at same time:

  • Winkey + Left arrow + UP arrow (display app top left 1/4 of window)
  • Winkey + Left arrow + DOWN arrow (display another app bottom left 1/4 of window)
  • Winkey + Right arrow + UP arrow (display another app top right 1/4 of window)
  • Winkey + Right arrow + DOWN arrow (display another app bottom right 1/4 of window)
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Feb 18, 2016
Reaction score
I use the built in Task View located on the bottom task bar to the right of Cortana search box. Open all of your docs then click on task view it will arrange your docs on the screen. I've had has many as 6 windows open using Task View.

You can still use the short cuts regedit32 mentioned.
Win+Tab - open Task View or click on the icon on taskbar

Win+CTRL+left/right - cycle through virtual desktops
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