If you haven't already tried this, this is worth a shot.
Go into Device Manager find your sound device, right click on it and select Uninstall Device, then reboot.
If it asks you do you want to delete the driver say yes.
It will force Windows to find and configure the sound device, and pick a driver for it.
It's strange that it happened in conjunction with the update, that doesn't suggest a physical failure.
If you have an image of your boot drive it would be worth using it and see if everything goes back to normal.
My guess is that it will.
I have exactly the opposite problem, after switching to Windows 10 my sound card wouldn't work, reliably, I had to keep fixing it every time there was an update.
I finally stopped using it and switched to my onboard sound, found that I couldn't hear any difference and never went back to using my sound card.
So you may want to just buy a inexpensive sound card and plug it in if nothing else seems to work.
If the sound on the motherboard isn't working that doesn't mean it wouldn't detect a sound card.