Login page changed on me and now can't log in

Aug 7, 2015
Reaction score
Restarted my computer this morning just to refresh and clear out. I get the picture of the day but then when I click I get a different login screen than I've been getting. The old login screen had my account and the guest account as options. Now it's a different background (blue background with the Windows 10 logo) and just shows my account without my picture as an option. When I put in my password it tells me it's incorrect. Shows me my hint which is correct but to no avail. Doesn't give me the option to switch accounts just the three icons in the lower right--internet connect, ease of access, shut down. Didn't make any system changes since last restart. Any ideas?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello and welcome to the forum.
I've seen a few of these same issues and am not quite sure what the cause might be.
Some people have reported some luck using the ease of access icon and evoking the On Screen Keyboard and using that to manually type their passwords.
Give it a go.
Additionally if you are using a wireless keyboard, try substituting a USB or PS2 and see if that helps.

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