I read through that page and must relate that I use WP X8, X7 and X6 on a couple of Desktops and a couple of Notebooks with an HP OfficeJet 8600 and an HP LaserJet connected by Ethernet cable to my Wireless Router. Every computer I install the printers on have no issues with WP's printing. One possible issue I saw on that linked document is the mention of a USB Hub. Also, I have seen older HP printers print half-a-page and quit with that "no connection" message, turned out the printers couldn't use USB 3 ports but worked fine when plugged into USB 2 ports. Could also have been not using USB 2/Hi-speed/High Speed cables. USB 3 is SuperSpeed and usually have differently shaped plugs on one end. Blue centers on USB 3 capable devices is common.