SOLVED Latest update has created small problems...

Aug 31, 2015
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Nothing crippling, but you know when you have things JUST the way you like and then an update comes along and undoes it all? One of those.

First, the Start menu - it took a good hour after first installing Windows 10 to get that unsightly mess under control, but I did it in the end, and now there's a few small changes on there which I can't seem to undo. Mostly is the "recent files" thing - used to be I could hover over the icon (say, Notepad), and a list of my most recent files would open. Now I have to right-click on it - this I can get used to, no biggie, but it's an added inconvenience nonetheless.

The next one IS a problem I could do without. It used to be the case where if I had a folder of audio files, I could click on each of them and information would appear in the side of the window, and from here I could edit all of its various tags. This VERY USEFUL feature has now disappeared and I can't find any way to get it back. Meaning now I have to right-click each file, go into Properties, and then into Details and do it all that way. When there's a lot of files in a folder that need editing (which is very often the case) this is a ridiculous thing.

So yes, small problems when compared to the other nightmares I've been reading about on here, but problems nonetheless. We're using Windows, not Apple, why can't we have things the way we like them?!?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
The next one IS a problem I could do without. It used to be the case where if I had a folder of audio files, I could click on each of them and information would appear in the side of the window, and from here I could edit all of its various tags. This VERY USEFUL feature has now disappeared and I can't find any way to get it back. Meaning now I have to right-click each file, go into Properties, and then into Details and do it all that way. When there's a lot of files in a folder that need editing (which is very often the case) this is a ridiculous thing.
Open File Explorer
Go to one of your music folders
From the menu bar select "View"
In the ribbon click "Details pane"
That should provide something that looks like this


See if you can edit from there.

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