Laptop Being Slow for Seemingly no Reason

Aug 3, 2017
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On the 31st of July, I noticed my computer was running really slow. I deleted some useless files and defragmented my disk overnight, but to my dismay my computer was even worse! I've done a ton of stuff but it only got slower. After uninstalling some of the programs I installed that day, it got noticeably better, but it still doesn't run at half the speed it used to. Luckily, it doesn't seem to be getting worse anymore.

I'm using a dell laptop running windows 10, and I've had the laptop for a little over a year. (I don't know the system specs b/c I can't ******* bother to deal with the slow bullshit)

List of things I've done:
Virus scan- Multiple scans of my entire system from several different antivirus programs, and nothing was reported
Cut down on multitasking(still slow with only chrome/firefox/literally anything (Like it lagged out playing Downwell!!!))
Delete useless files
Defrag hard drive
Cutting down on bootup programs
Uninstalling old programs
Used both windows disk cleaner and CCleaner
Windows updates
Restart(god knows I've done that a million times)
Performance report
Turn off background apps
Disable VFX
Close resource hungry programs
Close system tray programs
Turn battery settings to max performance

Things I haven't done:
Switch to an SSD
Go see a professional
Reinstall of OS
Cleaning laptop's internals

I have the advanced view of task manager up right now, and CPU is at 12% usage, memory is at 50 and disk is at 1. I'm losing my mind here. This is a laptop I'm supposed to be using for school (which starts in less than 2 weeks) and the screen is already fucked up. I don't want to cause my parents any more trouble, so that's why I haven't done most of the things above. If you guys can't find something that works, just something on reinstalling my OS or places to pay special attention to/places to avoid when cleaning would make all the difference.

This is a side note, but in task manager, on memory page under performance says it only has 2 gigs available and it's using only one slot out of two, but on the far left it says it's using 1.9 gigs out of 3.9. Not only that, the highest percentage of memory usage is only 5.8%! There are less than a dozen programs above 1%. This might be the issue, but just in case it wasn't, I decided to keep the rest.

Last edited:
Feb 18, 2016
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What antivirus program are you running. I just read the consumer reports/review on AVG and its not good.
Feb 18, 2016
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I believe there lies your problem. If you really want to speed up your browsing experience, I would uninstall both of them and replace with Windows Defender or Avira another excellent antivirus program. For malware protection Malwarebytes is second to non.
Just my opinion. I run a Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop with download speeds (WiFi) of 10 Gbps down and 1Gbps Up. Avira antivirus and Malwarebytes Premium. $29 3 licenses for one year.
Aug 3, 2017
Reaction score
I believe there lies your problem. If you really want to speed up your browsing experience, I would uninstall both of them and replace with Windows Defender or Avira another excellent antivirus program. For malware protection Malwarebytes is second to non.
Just my opinion. I run a Dell Inspiron 1545 Laptop with download speeds (WiFi) of 10 Gbps down and 1Gbps Up. Avira antivirus and Malwarebytes Premium. $29 3 licenses for one year.
Gotcha, I'll get Avira. I would get Malware bytes, but I already used the free trial period and I'd rather not pay for anything
Feb 18, 2016
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There is nothing wrong using Malwarebytes free version. It still has great malware detection.
Let us know how you make out as it will help others with similar slowdown problems.
May 6, 2015
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IIRC to completely remove McAfee you need to download a specific program from their site. Don't take my word for it, check yourself, as McAfee may have changed since I last had it on a machine.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Oct 13, 2015
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Definitely download the free version of Malwarebytes and run it. Anitvirus programs are good for detecting viruses. A lot of them don't detect malware or spyware. Your issue sounds like you got infected with malware from one of the various programs you installed. You said you installed many of them but didn't list which ones. I am pretty sure your issue is malware.

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