SOLVED Inexplicably, every so often I here the Windows "notify" sound

Dec 24, 2016
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Yes I hear that oh-so-familiar ubiquitous sound every now and again but I can't for the life of me figure out what it indicates. I hear it when nothing special or noticeable or evident is occurring! ... no new email arrival, no push notification (unless it is merely attempted, as I have most of them blocked), just plain nothing that is evident. So I navigated my way to the old tried-and-true "Sound Control Panel" to see what occurrences trigger that particular ding-dong chime. But the panel was I guess malfunctioning because when I selected a few likely candidate triggers and clicked on the "Test" button which is there to play the associated sound for the user, I get nothing, no output at all. There are NO OTHER apps running concurrently that might have commandeered the speakers, I made sure. Of course there are dozens of "processes" running concurrently but I can't help that or even sort through them. I am a little annoyed. Any ideas? Thanks.
Dec 24, 2016
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And today I happened to find out that instead of it being a Windows feature this hourly chime is a feature (and default??) of a freeware calendar program I acquired, iCalendar Lite. And I can turn it off, yea!


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Thanks for coming back and letting us know what you discovered.
Much appreciated.

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