I have a corrupt profile after an update. I want to repair my profile. I have been posting at microsoft forums, and tenforums. Can you help?

May 11, 2021
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Please see these threads:
Corrupt Profile Microsoft Forums
and TenForums
Basically, I updated in January, and I was told to due a repair install on Microsoft Community forums using a bootable Media. I have needed to get assistance, but the help that I needed has been busy. Files are read only, and I cannot back them up to an external hard drive. The guy on microsoft forums has said to use command prompt, but that says I can only back up to dvds or usb. I have asked if I can use an external hard drive but he won't answer. I assume because I haven't been able to do it on my own. I want to copy more than the C:/users files.
On TenForums, they initially kept telling me to back up files, then said I don't need to do a repair installation, and told me to edit the registry. I told them that people in the article had problems, but they won't address that. They also said to make a disc image, and I asked how, and mentioned what my resources are, and they won't address that. I am not getting enough answers, and I have mentioned on MS forums that I am trying to back up more than C:/users and files are read-only. Tenforums says it doesn't matter that they are read only. So I had searched google and found this site. I hope that somebody can help here. Currently, it seems like people are reluctant to address all of my concerns.
May 11, 2021
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Hello. I have posted this thread a week ago, and I have not gotten any replies. People on tenforums don't want to address my concerns, and I have asked several people on Microsoft Community Forums to follow up with me. Can anyone here check those threads and help me? I have been stuck with a corrupt Windows 10 profile since January.
May 11, 2021
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I am not sure if I would be able to get to any of my CDs. they are in storage. even if I could, I have no idea how to use Linux. From my understanding, there is a command prompt Linux, and a GUI Linux. But I would be dumbfounded in using Linux. That article doesn't really say much except how to install it. I have seen one guy say that corrupt profiles can be repaired, but they often get corrupted again. That other site says to edit the registry, but a user said that it deleted two profiles. I sort of wonder if these people really know what they are talking about. One person says he helped many people fix Windows (so he might), the other people, I am not so sure. One guy there said their combined experience equals thousands of years. I guess that means therefore they know everything. However, they keep belittling me for asking questions such as "why do people have problems when editing the registry?," and "how do i override the read-only attribute?"
They want me to prove that my profile is corrupt. They seem to think I am stupid or something. Do you have any other suggestions besides installing a duel-operating system?
Oct 2, 2014
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You don't install linux. You run it directly off a usb stick or a dvd. Most linux distributions allow you to try it before installing. This works well for rescuing data off of a hard drive that you can't access. Ubuntu is probably the most popular for doing that. That's what's being used in the tutorial I linked. Once in the live environment, you just open the file manager, and you should have access to the Windows hard drive. Then you can copy the files to an external hard drive or another usb stick. You could use Hirens BootCD. It kind of works the same, but in a pre Windows environment. Maybe someone smarter than me can help you fix the corrupted profile. I've tried in the past, going back to Windows 7, and I've never been able to fix one.

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