I can't enter my pc as the password box doesn't appear...

Aug 31, 2017
Reaction score
I can't enter my pc as the password box doesn't seems to appear... Previous day a assistant from Microsoft tried to help me to update to the newest version as my pc automatically tried to update it and failed to versoin 1703.. I had another problem as my pc always uses 100 % disc usage for about 30 minutes after the startup..so he paired with my pc using log me in app... After two hours of worke when he restarted my pc my pc suddenly stoped working... So I tried to open it the next day and now I am stucked in this...I tried to rrstore and recovery but it always failed


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
assistant from Microsoft tried to help me
Are you clear on what he did "to help", did he offer any explanation as to why your computer would no longer start? OR suggestions as to how you might proceed?
I tried to rrstore and recovery but it always failed
Depending on what might have been fixed or further broken as a result of your attempts and "restore and recovery", you may be looking at a custom clean install of the Operating System.

However you decide to proceed, you a probably going to need the latest ISO from here
Use that ISO to create the installation media and then use that media to boot your system and then try the "Repair your computer" link on the second page of the installation process, to access the advanced troubleshooting tools and from there attempt first to boot the system into Safe Mode and see if that works.
IF not then you might try a System Restore
Startup Repair
Sometimes the repair options seem to work better from the boot media, independent of the installed OS.

Failing all of that, backup your critical data and perform a custom clean install of Windows 10
Apr 3, 2018
Reaction score
So I've tried to open my computer and this happens oh I'm on Windows 10 I open my computer and its normal then I swipe up and its completely Blanck no Box for my password or anything I've tried everything please help:)

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