SOLVED Having problems uploading/downloading Internet Explorer

Jan 3, 2016
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Sometimes I get the screen and it appears to trying to ?upload/?download I.E. then the screen disappears. Sometimes nothing happens. I am using Google Chrome (which the computer repair shop staff downloaded when I had them download Windows 10 updates as I gave up trying to do it myself).
I would like to use I.E. as I use Trusteer Rapport which I cannot see on Goggle Chrome address bar.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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IF you click the Start Button -> All Apps -> Windows Accessories -> Internet Explorer
What happens exactly?
Jan 3, 2016
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Sometimes the 'blue circle' circulates then stops, sometimes the page appears (sometimes with the address bar icons, sometimes without) then 'disappears'. I also have the I.E as a short cut on my task bar but tried your way and the page appeared with the address bar, the blue circle circulated then stopped after a few seconds. I can get I.E. periodically but it is very slow and very slow when I manage to get the tabs for email login and other tabs.
Google Chrome is much quicker. Pleas excuse the lack of correct jargon.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Try launching it without add-ons.
Right click the start button and choose run and in the run dialog box type
iexplore.exe -extoff
hit enter or click OK.
Use the URL address bar at the very top to enter a website of your choice something like and just hit enter
does it seem to behave any better in that mode?
IF so, then you need to examine your add-ons
Top right of IE browser you should see a gear icon, click that and choose manage add-ons.
Jan 3, 2016
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Thank you for this information.
I will attempt it when I can get some help from my husband. It looks a bit complicated for me.
Thank you for your help.
Susan J. Scotland.
Jan 3, 2016
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Tried doing myself. Add-ons all disabled, followed your instructions and it sometimes works. Very slow though.
Thank you for your help.
Susan J.
Jul 30, 2015
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Run a free internet speed test and check your speed. Plenty of them by searching google. See if you have Dropbox or OneDrive and disable them. I was having speed trouble since last update so I went straight to modem and took out of play the wireless router with very slow downloads. I was getting 1gb or less for download and 2 up so I set limit on Dropbox to 1gb as problems solved. For some reason since last update internet speeds are not optimized. What happens is Dropbox will use all 60 gig and not leave anything for rest of system or wireless. I have a cheap modem so can't set an order for internet. I will have to replace the modem but will try my older version which only goes to 30gb max and see if it works. With Dropbox limit set still slow but not bad as it starts at 60 and drops to 20.
Jul 30, 2015
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I meant MBPS instead of gigs.
Run a free internet speed test and check your speed. Plenty of them by searching google. See if you have Dropbox or OneDrive and disable them. I was having speed trouble since last update so I went straight to modem and took out of play the wireless router with very slow downloads. I was getting 1gb or less for download and 2 up so I set limit on Dropbox to 1gb as problems solved. For some reason since last update internet speeds are not optimized. What happens is Dropbox will use all 60 gig and not leave anything for rest of system or wireless. I have a cheap modem so can't set an order for internet. I will have to replace the modem but will try my older version which only goes to 30gb max and see if it works. With Dropbox limit set still slow but not bad as it starts at 60 and drops to 20.
Aug 21, 2015
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Sometimes I get the screen and it appears to trying to ?upload/?download I.E. then the screen disappears. Sometimes nothing happens. I am using Google Chrome (which the computer repair shop staff downloaded when I had them download Windows 10 updates as I gave up trying to do it myself).
I would like to use I.E. as I use Trusteer Rapport which I cannot see on Goggle Chrome address bar.

Most customer pc's I've worked out throughout the past 15 years have had soooooo much system protection software installed and running at the same time that even those with 30mbps down and 15mbps up internet connections and Windows installed into an SSd instead of a spinning disc hard drive still have experience the same problem that you are.

My point is see if you have more than one piece of system protection software running. ( eXample. 1 antivirus program, 1 internet security program, 1 antimalware program, and even a VPN service although that's not in that category). Then UNinstall all but one.

Internet Security software is a JOKE. I've proven this time and time again. It doesn't prevent you from clicking on " click bait". It DOESN'T prevent internet toolbars from being installed ( which are usually the WORST and fastest way to get infected since many viruses hide themselves inside the asinine adware built inside most internet toolbars), and it doesn't prevent you from visiting known bad sites if you attempt the visitation enough. All Internet Security software does is slow your browsing experience down.

Get rid of it, pick ONE system protection software, and be satisfied. Windows Defender has come a good ways. Bit Defender and Viper have been among the best of the best most of the time throughout the past 10 years straight.

Regardless. 99.99% of all pc infections of any level or context come from " hmm.. .I need to click to close that. I didn't ask for that popup.." or " hmm. I'll just click to see what that is without opening the full message in my spam folder. It'll be ok". It's USER error. I've been guilty of it when I was younger and naive, and today...purposely test ( on my test windows pc) internet browsers' resistance levels against " click bate" and other methods of getting your pc infected. Chrome and Firefox usually end up the most difficult. Then Safari and ie usually trade spots like a leap frog contest.

Also, go to your " Internet Options" menu. Select " Connections " tab at the top area, select " Lan Settings" button towards bottom right of that window. Then UNcheck "Automatically detect settings". This tells your pc that it doesn't have to waste an extra half or full second - ish checking for a specific connection standard/type/whatever. I forgot the full technically and correctly worded things. Google it and you'll understand the main idea. I guarantee you it WILL speed up loading any page by one or more seconds depending on how full of junk the page is.

Example. is one of the easiest/fastest to load pages I know of., however, has a bunch of ad and news junk on it and usually takes slightly or much longer to fully load. Test it.

Back to networking homework I go for now. Good luck.
Jan 3, 2016
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Thank you everyone for all your info. I.E. is working a little better. However I find Google Chrome faster. We have high speed broadband waiting to be connected to our village exchange, the cables are in the village, so hopefully speeds will improve (though no=one knows what the cost will be, even B.T.)

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