Happy Monday

Apr 18, 2016
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so despite my best efforts microsoft forced win10 onto my pc this morning - I did not and do not want it - but now it says it cant roll it back due to an install error - yeah right! - and now it wont accept my authentication key for my legally purchased copy of win7 64bit - so its not wanted, its not installed itself properly and now wont register a legal authentication key

How do i get rid of this piece of spyware without a total rebuild ?
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
In progress now and what a surprise windows 7 Ms authenticated my key straightaway
Now to finish the total rebuild and block the crap out of 10
Windows 10 doing more for Mac sales than any advert from Apple


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
despite my best efforts microsoft forced win10 onto my pc this morning
I'm interested in how exactly this came to pass? We've heard several people insist that Windows 10 automagically upgrade on their PCs.
At anytime during the process were you prompted with a EULA (End User License Agreement), to which you had to accept or decline?
For blocking Windows 10 upgrade, I've used this
GWX Control Panel http://ultimateoutsider.com/downloads/ (Standalone)
You may want to have a look.
Apr 18, 2016
Reaction score
I simply booted up my pc and it went straight into the upgrade - no I did not request it or get any prompt for a EULA I had GWX on and it disabled it - others have reported similar issue where its forced onto machines - http://www.infoworld.com/article/29...pgrade-block-settings-are-still-in-force.html

statement made -
Those of you who are using the common methods for blocking Windows 7 and Windows 8.1's obnoxious Win10 upgrade procedure take note. Apparently an update released yesterday changed an important registry setting -- DisableOSUpgrade -- that prevented Windows 7 and 8.1 from proceeding with the forced march to Windows 10.

If you've used GWX Control Panel, gpedit/Computer Configuration, and/or direct changes to the registry to block the Windows 10 upgrade, you should take a moment and make sure that your block is still in place.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the follow-up.
Been reading similar reports all over the place http://www.computerworld.com/articl...-10-arrives-while-their-backs-are-turned.html
Good info regarding the recent Windows Updates perhaps undoing previous configurations and the importance of re-running things like GWX Control Panel from time to time to double check.
I noticed that they upgrade their versions of the application from time to time, perhaps to keep abreast of just such changes.

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