Funerals and rip offs.

Nov 19, 2013
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If you dont like talking about death, do nor read on.
I am 84 years old. My wife is suffering from a syndrome which may kill her soon, or may let her linger in misery.
Our family were having a get together and the subject of funerals and death came up.
I am a body donor (only for the non-religious brigade).
But, the point I want to raise:
When a family person dies, there is grief and disorder- a natural state of affairs. Things may be accepted in a hurry, partly dur to grief.
As a result of our family chat, I decided to make enquiries from funeral parlours and hospital.
The cheapest way, at least in this country, is to die in hospital. Most expenses are taken care of bu those authorities.
But on the undertaker market - I use the word market with meaning, it is a different story. My enquiries, regarding transport and body disposal, were met with a little trepidation, as I was still alive. Obviously something a little new for them. But, with time and patience on my side, I was able to get a reduction of +/- ¤ $200, by arguing.
My enquiry about the , very expensive, coffin, in the cremation,were only treated with blankness. I suggested that, as the body was to be burned, the family would like the coffin returned. That got a flat NO. Next, obvious question, with cynicism, was regarding the returned ashes, 80% of which had been expensive wood The answer was that it was procedure over many years. Correct, but??

POint of my post, which I regard as a little humorous, so feel free to comment, is that, if you have something terminal, or are very old. Chat ahead of time, before your family get ripped off.
Feb 18, 2016
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Here in Canada Funeral Homes rent you the coffin for cremation. It's still a money maker for them. But, it would be cheaper than purchasing an expensive coffin.
Apr 22, 2017
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If you are donating your body to science Dave, do you need all the funeral costs anyway, just have a nice little family get-together and let the family get drunk like the Brits and Irish do , they can pack your body off to the local science lab in a cardboard box!. :):):)

The only difference between a wedding and a funeral is that there is one less drunk at a funeral. :p:D:)
Nov 19, 2013
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In this country, the hospital forensics pay for the travel costs, but still insist on a coffin, which they keep...until...
Unfortunately, once the students or whatever have finished poking around the dead body, it is returned to the family for proper disposal. I suggested a Plastic rubbish bag would be OK for me????
Answer to your question is that the body will be transported directly to the crematorium, but the (still considerable) expenses will be paid by my family.
May 6, 2015
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In parts of Canada, near me I hope, there is an "Instant Cremation" service. They will pick up the body at place of death or mortuary, put in a cardboard coffin and whisk it off and cremate it. I think getting ashes back is an option. No undertakers, no funeral homes, no nothing. At age nearly 73 I will be making sure I have their business card.
I have read this service exists in the UK as well.
Nov 19, 2013
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[QUOTE="I have read this service exists in the UK as well.[/QUOTE]
!! Tks for that . As you know, I live in Denmark, but worth a browse.
Apr 22, 2017
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In parts of Canada, near me I hope, there is an "Instant Cremation" service. They will pick up the body at place of death or mortuary, put in a cardboard coffin and whisk it off and cremate it. I think getting ashes back is an option. No undertakers, no funeral homes, no nothing. At age nearly 73 I will be making sure I have their business card.
I have read this service exists in the UK as well.
That will do me as well Tim. :):):)
Feb 3, 2017
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Here in the UK we were informed the body must be in a container in order to be buried or cremated, if you’re one of those who want an ecological burial/creamation you can choose a cardboard coffin (reinforced) however the cost of a cardboard coffin is significantly more than a wooden one.
You can choose to purchase your own coffin & arrange the burial/cremation directly - no funeral parlour/undertaker need be involved.

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