Frequent BSOD and no idea what to do

Apr 19, 2023
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So it's been a whie now since my PC had it's problems, but i always had a way around or it was managable... but the more there is, more i get anxious about it.
Now it's a point where i am tired and decided to find help. But i don't know what the deal, it may be the accumulation of a bunch of issues that are there since years... or not.
The main issue at the moment is the frequent BSOD, they mostly appear when downloading something, and especially when i do something else while it's doing it (watching online videos looks like it's a big nono to do while downloading).
Something in me telling me all my problems are caused by a disfunctionnal SSD, but i recently added them and i really don't want to learn that they are broken.

So yeah, i have issues and i don't know what to tell to help you guys find out a solution. I'll need your help to ask me what you need to know to begin with.
If it helps, there is a ton of error in the log that i don't know what they mean.

Dec 25, 2015
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to check the hdd or ssd use the checker crystaldiskinfo to give you an indication of the health of the drives.
their is one for memory as well but a search for a memory checker my findit .
dis connect any other devices you have connected to the pc . clean out all temp files, check storage capacity available.
if the drive is the old HDD then it may be fragmented badly. if you pc is a tower then a reseat of the memory chips may help.
Sep 26, 2017
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(watching online videos looks like it's a big nono to do while downloading)
A lot of that has to do with bandwidth and the service subscribed to with an ISP/Internet Service Provider and the quality of the connection into your building then to the Modem or Modem/Router then to the computer/s. It was a big issue back in the Dial-Up days using the phone line.

For hardware testing I use a Linux Mint LiveDVD created from the downloaded .iso file, has programs on it that will run if the hardware doesn't have issues such as Firefox Browser, LibreOffice and photo and video viewers that don't need actually being installed. And one can check if the Internet is usable, sound works, etc. Can even create a bootable USB drive using a built-in app called USB Image Writer and the downloaded .iso file as the source. I carry the USB as part of my toolbox 'just in case' I run into issues with clients.
Apr 19, 2023
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I just had a BSOD some days ago while updating a game, i got a "Memory_Management" one. I tried closing absolutly everything i had and tried again and it worked. It may be luck but i think it's more clear what going on wrong here now. One of the thing i turned off was the NVidia shadow play feature that i have up at all time usually, it's recording the last 20min of my computer so it's likely asking too much for my computer nowadays.
Aug 18, 2015
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I enjoy the BSOD so much, for it give me something to do on those boring days. Last summer, I purchased a brand new ASUS Rog and within the week, it started doing the BSOD. I reset it and there were weird and wonderful error messages that came up and so I reset it again. Error messages again, so upon that wonderful event, I sent it back.
Jul 29, 2015
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Download and run Memtest, it's free, let it run several passes. Mine took 11 passes to fail one time, and other times I got lucky, and it failed at the start.
Jul 20, 2015
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The way I see it is there are 2 possibilities. Make sure they are seated properly and the cooling air flow is not restricted. Stress test your memory DIMMs.

Verify your system files using sfc.exe.
Jul 29, 2015
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I'm not following you. Why do you consider yourself 'lucky' to have it fail?
I was lucky that I didn't have to spend all day, I had the bad stick sorted out in an hour. The first time I ran it, it was a dual-core on a 32 bit system, it ran 8 hours to fail. So I was lucky to have it fail right at the start.

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