dwm.exe crashes. BEX64 erroro

Feb 19, 2021
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I have a new Asus PN62 miniPC connected to a Samsung 4k Tv. It crashes every 1-2 days causing it to freeze, lose image signal so I have to manually power off. I know this is usually caused by a 3 party app so I tried to uninstall them all but it did no help. I have now even reset windows to factorey settings (but kept the files) and have not installed a single app and still it crashed last night. I also tried to disable DEP but that also fails:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>bcdedit.exe /set {current} nx AlwaysOff
An error has occurred setting the element data.
The value is protected by Secure Boot policy and cannot be modified or deleted.

There are now very few variables to check so I'm wondering if a 4k TV somehow can cause this?
From the Reliability report:

Faulting Application Path: C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BEX64
Application Name: dwm.exe
Application Version: 10.0.18362.387
Application Timestamp: 8e064b77
Fault Module Name: ntdll.dll
Fault Module Version: 10.0.18362.1350
Fault Module Timestamp: 37b70d07
Exception Offset: 000000000010f040
Exception Code: c000000d
Exception Data: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 10.0.18363.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: e9d6
Additional Information 2: e9d6c5fdf0479e2d327aa236c60c2daf
Additional Information 3: bd3f
Additional Information 4: bd3fd30adbd476a020318f7c0307ccc3

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: eee3e5faf7ae176ef070edb2091be0cd (1184708050911224013)
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Ollie,

this might help?. :)

Feb 19, 2021
Reaction score
Hi Ollie,

this might help?. :)

Thanks but as I wrote I just did a factory reset so windows update or graphics driver update is not relevant I guess. The GPU is Inter(R) UHD and it says the best drivers are already installed.

In fact, now after resetting to factory mode and not a single app installed it's worse than ever. It crashes after a few minutes but seems not while it's in active use, can issues be linked to sleep mode?
Apr 22, 2017
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How old is the drive and is it an SSD or HDD, it might be due to a damaged drive which is a problem I suffered recently myself. ;)
Feb 19, 2021
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How old is the drive and is it an SSD or HDD, it might be due to a damaged drive which is a problem I suffered recently myself. ;)
Brand new SSD, as is the machine. But I now believe to have found the problem. It was factory set to go to sleep mode in 30 mins and this showed a pattern towards time stamps of the crashes in reliability monitor. I set sleep to "never" and it has now been stable for four days. But what is the consequence of turning sleep off? Higher energy consumption of course but can the machine also be "worn out " faster since it's always on?
Apr 22, 2017
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If the computer is idle when you aren't doing anything on it, you won't have hardly any wear & tear!. I have mine (all 4 computers) set to "Never" and don't have a problem as I shut them down when not in use. :)

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