Ben: tried this Does nothing on 1 machine and on another I get Message" failed to start bcause side by side configuration is incorrect"
Do you know how to boot from a USB drive?
As I stated in post have to create a bootable USB. Once that is done, you have to boot from it. To do that, you have to restart the PC, go into BIOS, change the boot order to boot from USB first, then save/exit and the PC will restart.
The easier way if your PC is modern enough, restart PC and at POST beep, start tapping the F12 Key until screen flashes. The boot menu window will appear. Then choose boot media and in your case the USB drive. This process by passes going into the BIOS all together.
You just can insert the USB with the ISO on it into a slot and open it like you would a normal file. It doesn't work like that.
You could also "MOUNT' the drive by right clicking the file and select "mount" and then run the .exe to install the OS.