Change or Remove a Drive Letter

May 13, 2016
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I've always used disk management to assign (CHANGE) a permanent drive letter on a couple of my USB external backup drives. But I got to wondering exactly what the other two disk management Options of ADD and REMOVE actually do.

Now I surmised this REMOVE was probably generic and that if you removed the letter assignment the disk would just go back to being assigned the first available letter windows had on. However upon doing a search last night it appears this may do a bit more serious actions.

Unless I misunderstood the explanations it appears it
(A) Removes the letter from the list (i.e. the drop down list) in disk management you see when you want to change a letter. So that letter will no longer be available for assignment to any drive.

(B) I remember one link (somewhere) that said that REMOVE would also hide the partition that was previously assigned the letter removed from the OS. (make the partition hidden)

Wow had no idea. Brings up the following questions.
(1) Did I misunderstand any or all of what I read?

(2) And if I did understand, then will the Option ADD put it all back, i.e. restore the letter one previously removed with REMOVE?

(3) I'm a bit skeptical of (B) since isn't the OS (i.e. Windows) doing this drive letter logistics so how would it hide a partition from itself. Possibly it meant it would hide the partition from the user or the Explorer file manager display?

Appreciate any enlightenment on these items.
Oct 1, 2014
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As far as I know it just does what it shows. Removing a drive letter, such as on a Recovery partition does keep the OS from trying to write to it. As far as the remove option, if you wanted to change a partition to a specific drive letter and it was in use by another partition you could remove it or change that partition first. I don't think the letter is made unusable but I don't have a partition I can test that on.

There are attributes on partitions which have an effect on how drive letters or assigning of such, is handled by the system.
Jul 17, 2018
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I never mind what letter Windows assigns to my USB drive. The volume label can help me recognize the drive easier.

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