SOLVED Can't Save Proxy Settings in Safe Mode w/ Networking

Nov 7, 2019
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I'm trying to get onto the internet with a PC while in safe mode with Networking but this PC is behind a corporate proxy. I have all the proxy information, my issue is that once I enter the info into LAN settings in inetcpl.cpl I am unable to click OK to save it. It doesn't freeze or give any errors whatsoever. It just does literally nothing. I've ran inetcpl.cpl as administrator and same thing happens. The proxy info is already there when I start in normal mode so I am almost certain this issue is only present in safe mode. Is there a proxy service or something that I need to make start with safe mode?


Mar 4, 2016
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When you open the application you are attempting to access Internet with, while in Safe Mode (Networking) you probably need to run that application as Administrator.

Try right-clicking and selecting Run as administrator, then providing the proxy settings your Corporate provided you. Any changes made then, ought to stick, assuming the Corporate IT have not disabled this option via Group Policies.
Nov 7, 2019
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I wasn't able to get the IE proxy to work in safe mode but I figured out the issue another way that didn't involve safe mode. I was trying to install Adobe Acrobat DC for a user but having no luck with that no matter what I tried. I found one forum post after searching the entire internet that described the solution to this issue. Adobe uses the WinHTTP proxy and not the IE proxy. I was able to get Acrobat DC to install by opening a command prompt and typing "netsh winhttp import proxy source =ie" which imported the IE proxy to WinHTTP. After doing this the install completed without a hitch.

Now I have the delightful task of explaining to a user that it only took us a month and 7 days and 4 different technicians to install a PDF viewer.

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