Cannot type in any browser. System freezes

Jan 21, 2020
Reaction score
In my Toshiba laptop I cannot type anything in any browsers. Tried in Chrome, FF, Opera, Edge. Keyboard is fine as I can type in everything else.(windows search box, file explorer, notepad, word etc).

Other than that on control panel I cannot uninstall any program. List just flickers and disappears, cannot select anything.

File explorer also just flickers not showing contents or disappears.
Ran Malwarebytes and Roguekiller and antivirus(Panda) scan. Found nothing.
First problem that started was mouse cursor disappearing. Uninstalled synaptics touch pad and it started working with MS driver.
I ran system restore it failed restoring.
Running Malwarebytes was difficult it was not responding. I had to download through windows search and run.
I am running Windows 10 latest official version through windows updates.
Please help don't want to reinstall Windows.
Jan 27, 2016
Reaction score
Also if possible, try a Repair Install.
Repair Install is take the latest ISO - uncompress into user\download\ISO then run setup
this is the same method as used by MS with MediaCreationTool where as it is update now.

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