Cannot get internet explorer to work multiple problems 1909

Dec 15, 2019
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I have some input about my computer. It is 64 something, win 10 pro and need guided. I had 1909 update and everything is not good. Cannot get profile. In bios says not installed. I did the click 1 and nothing it wants a password I do not have for admin. I used number password. Will not accept. Read where explorer is the problem. Troubleshoot will not go beyond the admin problem mentioned . Cannot do any commands type in as screen does ot respond. I am told simple fix. Do not want to loose my info Help?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
In bios says not installed
Can you explain exactly what you are talking about here.... what is "not installed"??

Try using the power icon on the logon screen while holding down the Shift key and see if you can restart in Safe Mode or Safe Mode with Networking.

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