Hi, I just recently upgraded the motherboard, hard drive, power supply, processor, graphic card, RAM and DVD drive. I had it upgraded at a electronics super store called Fry's Electronics. Anyways I originally had windows 7 installed on the old hard drive, but the guy said I might be eligible for windows 10 "free" upgrade. So I told him if he can get for free then put it on there. Well I took my PC in on 12/11/2016 and it was ready for pick up on the 13th. I found out there was update released by Microsoft on both or one of those dates.. well I've had my PC for 6 days now and I've been experiencing crashes daily sometimes in short 30-60 minute sessions. At first I was getting BSOD from a cumulative update, the automatic update failed the installion and would crash. Tried multiple times,'same result. So I then decided to manually install it and it worked and haven't had the cumulative update error. Now the BSOD's happen less, but now the error always says MEMORY Management Error. This usually happens to me when I start a game, mid game, or leaving CPU idle after playing a game. I was wondering I can do to fix this, I hope I find some help. Thanks.