Black Screen+Windows Explorer Missing?

Jul 11, 2017
Reaction score
Hello, when I booted up my laptop this morning my taskbar was missing. I tried to restart explorer.exe in my task manager, but it was also missing. My entire desktop will eventually turn black too, and I will be unable to click anything until I manually turn off my laptop. Manually running explorer.exe doesn't work either, because it will disappear after a few seconds and my screen will turn black again. What should I do? I can't use my laptop this way.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Try creating a new user as a member of the administrators groups and see if you can use that normally without the explorer problem.
Use Ctrl + Alt + Delete keyboard combination to launch taskmanager.
Use the toolbar "File" -> "Run new task
In the text box type
hit enter
Scroll to cmd.exe (if you are hiding file extensions of known type it might only say cmd)
Right click that and from the context menu choose Run as Administrator
At the admin command prompt type
net user JohnSmith /add
hit enter
then type
net localgroup administrators JohnSmith /add
hit enter
hit enter
Restart and log in as JohnSmith (you can use Ctrl + Alt + Delete again to restart the computer using the power icon in the bottom right)

Obviously it doesn't have to be "JohnSmith". Any Tom, Dick or Sally should work fine (dealers choice).

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