First post here and I need some help please.
My day job is draughting, I use a CAD package called intellicad.
I need to modify 1000's of files performing the same change in each file.
The change in each file can be handled by using a script file within the program, this has been tested and works as needed.
Using various internet searches I came across a command line batch process using the 'FOR' command and some examples.
From here I generated my bat file:
FOR %%f in (E:\"0001-PURGE ALL"\*.dwg) do start /wait C:\"Program Files"\"CMS"\"CMS IntelliCAD 8.2 Premium Edition Plus"\Icad.exe "%%f" /b "E:\0001-PURGE ALL\Purge-ALL.scr"
(note: Purge-ALL.scr is the script file which is run within intellicad)
This has been tested and it works well.
So why do I need help??
Well this only works in folder 'E:\0001-PURGE ALL' however all sub folders are ignored.
again internet searches suggested either the /D or /R would enable sub folders but neither has worked.
I have added the /D or /R:
FOR /D %%f in(...........
FOR /R %%f in(...........
Can anyone help me get this to work in sub folder as well as the route folder??
(note: E:\0001-PURGE ALL is a test folder)
Windows 10 home 64bit
First post here and I need some help please.
My day job is draughting, I use a CAD package called intellicad.
I need to modify 1000's of files performing the same change in each file.
The change in each file can be handled by using a script file within the program, this has been tested and works as needed.
Using various internet searches I came across a command line batch process using the 'FOR' command and some examples.
From here I generated my bat file:
FOR %%f in (E:\"0001-PURGE ALL"\*.dwg) do start /wait C:\"Program Files"\"CMS"\"CMS IntelliCAD 8.2 Premium Edition Plus"\Icad.exe "%%f" /b "E:\0001-PURGE ALL\Purge-ALL.scr"
(note: Purge-ALL.scr is the script file which is run within intellicad)
This has been tested and it works well.
So why do I need help??
Well this only works in folder 'E:\0001-PURGE ALL' however all sub folders are ignored.
again internet searches suggested either the /D or /R would enable sub folders but neither has worked.
I have added the /D or /R:
FOR /D %%f in(...........
FOR /R %%f in(...........
Can anyone help me get this to work in sub folder as well as the route folder??
(note: E:\0001-PURGE ALL is a test folder)
Windows 10 home 64bit