

Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Other than me looking forward to 8 or 9 months down the road, where everyone is singing the praises of Windows 10, declaring it the greatest thing since sliced bread, and.......

Anxiously awaiting the release of "Redstone" so we can go through this all over again?
Jun 24, 2015
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come on now everyone has got to complain about something.
i remember when vista came out and boy oh boy it was the POS of microsoft.
problem is now windows 10 can be either liked or hated and pretty soon windows 8 won't seem so bad.
i like windows 10 and i plan on using it along with the rest of my battery of desktop computers that way i will never be board.
also it will take 8 or 9 months for us to figure everything out about windows 10 so then it will be ok.
i to had problems with it when i first tried doing the upgrade and was mad as hell. with the help of this forum i got it going and now have it on four of my own computers.

i don't care what anyone says most don't like any kind of change. windows 10 in my eyes is all about ones choice to decide if it will or can work for them with the least amount of hassle.

i hate all of the privacy intrusions however that is nothing new. big brother has always been snooping in our business and so has every cell phone company.

windows 10 is cool and hell its free and if people don't like it then remove and go back to whatever they feel safe with and enjoy the drive.

just my own opinion and that ain't worth nothing.

life is good.
the poorguy
Nov 19, 2013
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There are gripes concerning the moving of control items around the gui, making it, in some cases, a little more learning experience. Much of this is centered around the start menu. I cannot comment on this. MS have tried hard to satisfy several (Too many, perhaps), sides of the argument on this. I was happy with what they called the "modern" interface, in Windows 8.1. I could reconstruct this in Windows 10, but, for the moment, I am using the built in text menu. There were so many complaints, from users wishing to return to the old text. Now there are equally as many wanting the modern screen back again ??
If you look through the feedback items in the insider program, whilst it appears to be too large to really absorb, much of it is repetiton, or requests, rather than filed bugs.
I do not use Cortana: Edge, or the Mail application. I do see a number of complaints in those areas.
Apart from that, these are the only problems I can see in forums, that are really of significance. It would be interesting, in this thread, to see who can add any important complaints or bugs they may have found, of a general nature. By that, I mean, not associated with a particular item of hardware, which may well, not be the fault of MS/Windows 10.

I am hoping our esteemed helper, Trouble , will pop in with a few to add, as his posts do indicate dissatisfaction.

This is all I see in forums, repeated over and over:

1. I am very unhappy with the update system, so are many.
2. Activation seems to be giving problems, I have not personally experienced this, after quite a few upgrades and fresh installation, on mine and other computers.
3. Complaints that the WiFi connection is intermittent. No complaints here.
4. Trivia, but complaints that the Media centre is missing - so it was in Windows 8 - What's
5. The Settings have improved, but still take you to the good old Control panel in some cases. I would like to see the Control panel left in situ, but get all of those functions into the Settings.

There are, on the web, offers of hacks and reg editing, in order to deal with some of these. I do not see why a user should have the need to go to these lengths, and MS should give them top priority in the forthcoming service pack, or whatever they are going to call it.
Bottom line for me, which I have expressed from Day one, is that what we are looking at here is a slightly unpolished Windows 8.2, with a name change to hide the bad publicity of the previous OS
Jun 24, 2015
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I to haven't had any activation issues on four different installs and I also did clean installs didn't save anything.
VLC will do more then I will ever need. so no big deal on lack of media center.

I can find things wrong with every OS that I have ever used but so what I used them all and they did work fine.
I like windows 8.0 / 8.1 and once I found where everything was it was ok. I even liked vista and had no problems with it.
again if people don't want the upgrade than don't download it. if people don't like windows 10 after they have tried it than rollback to what you had before.

yeah windows 10 isn't all that and windows 8.0 /8.1 isn't either but if you are a windows user and that is what most people are than this is what there is to use. I like windows 7 myself however I don't use it much anymore because I have moved over to Linux Ubuntu and like it a lot. but I am going to give windows 10 a try and then decide. bottom line it is free by ones own choice to make the change. I can't complain it is free.

life is good.
the poorguy


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I am hoping our esteemed helper, Trouble , will pop in with a few to add, as his posts do indicate dissatisfaction.
Sorry dave..... no complaints from me.
I can't even guess how many installs (clean and upgrades) of Windows 10 I've performed.
For myself, for friend and family and although I've been retired from the industry for a bit over 10 years now, I still do a lot of side work for my buddy who owns two computer shops (one for normal consumers and the other for his business clients.
I am still waiting for my first upgrade to exhibit any of the symptoms that we have seen discussed on these and other forums.
Each time I hope for something to go wrong and produce at least something for me to troubleshoot that might further help me understand better what some people seem to be encountering, especially the account password issues which remains a complete mystery to me.
if people don't want the upgrade than don't download it.
We have seen reports of it downloading itself and one even that claims it installed without any interaction from the user, so apparently that takes an extra effort to avoid.
if people don't like windows 10 after they have tried it than rollback to what you had before.
AND that has, as we've seen or heard has resulted in multiple horror stories.

In the mean time I can sympathize and attempt to help as best I can, but......
I am running it without problems on three computers here as well as a forth belonging to my wife, who seems to have adapted better than I expected, even forsaking her beloved Scrabble game to keep Windows 10 on her machine.
Feb 22, 2014
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We have seen reports of it downloading itself and one even that claims it installed without any interaction from the user, so apparently that takes an extra effort to avoid.
That's impossible. More than likely someone upgraded their system for them. The install requires interaction to complete.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Don't shoot the messenger, just reporting what I've been reading.
Impossible? IDK, as I've never gone through the Muppet steps of reserving, letting it download, dealing with the subsequent "ready" prompts, adjusting the schedule which I know you can delay, although I don't know for how long, I don't think, indefinitely.
So, I wouldn't say "impossible", improbable ..... maybe, but I'm not prepared to call the guy a liar.
There are people who use these forums who do not possess any computer skills at all, so they can find themselves in situations that are not easily escaped.
Nov 19, 2013
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IMO. This short thread has already confirmed my thoughts. The major problem, as so often, is in front of the keyboard.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
The major problem, as so often, is in front of the keyboard.
I suppose so, but......
Sometimes we forget. There are people like us, and then......
There is the rest of the world.
People see "FREE" and think, oh boy, I want that. Without any thought as to the enormity of what they are about to do or consideration of potential consequences.

Not everyone cut their teeth writing lines in Autoexec.bat and Config.sys to get their CD-ROM drives to work.
Nov 19, 2013
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They were , possibly, only a thought in someone's mind when I started - lol.
Jun 24, 2015
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hey all,

"I am in the rest of the world".

ok I have just completed another and my fifth clean install and no install or update problems.
turned of most of all the settings other then smart screen filter and error reporting also left the windows malware reports on.

the poorguy
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
IMO. This short thread has already confirmed my thoughts. The major problem, as so often, is in front of the keyboard.

HEY i am one of those people.
that why this forum is a success.

when I see free I question how must it is going to cost me.
ain't never seen nothing for free, seems there is always a price.

the poorguy
Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
IMO. This short thread has already confirmed my thoughts. The major problem, as so often, is in front of the keyboard.

the more that i install windows 10 the more i learn as to what i need to tweak or set up to make it work for my own personal computing needs that i do. so yes it is going to take some trial and error learning for some of us but nothing really difficult with some minor researching. in my opinion i see it for me becoming more and more personalized.

just food for thought.
the poorguy
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Afraid so. I am in a position where I no longer have respect for my elders- they are all dead.
Nov 19, 2013
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Referring to note 1 in my post #4.
The update system is still nagging me. In a moment of boredom, I looked at my update histiry and found it had not been updated for about three weeks. Wente into the settings - updates where, as always, it said the system was up to date, and last check on boot up today. It then advised that an accumulative update was ready.

I checked the history, and could see that it had unsuccessfully tried to install this seven times, with failures.
Ran the usual advised scannow, and on a reboot, the update was successfully installed.

OK. Fine. But. I see a really large number if complaints on the web, on this issue. Not good enough, MS. They have got to sort this out. I don't think, at this moment, I am inclined to run an OS which is only marginally better then its predecessor, if it screws up on such a simple issue.,
Feb 22, 2014
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Could we please start generalizing the topic in the thread title? These strange titles are crazily unhelpfull. I should be able to tell whether or not I want to open the thread by the title alone, especially from a resident member.

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