Hi Ted,
I've never used this particular product, so out of curiosity I took a look at it.
It appears to have a relatively light footprint in terms of memory consumption, and is able to block unknown applications from running, which is a good precautionary method but might also be annoying from time to time.
It does not appear though to offer any protection at all against Phishing websites or known URLS that will lead you to websites that will inject malware onto your system before you can blink twice.
I think in all honesty, you'd be better off using Windows Defender for now, until you have time to evaluate some other antivirus programs which are either free or cost an annual fee to use.
At the end of the day though your best security is to keep your windows updates current, and also your browsers up to date, and if you are using things like Flash or Java then make sure you regularly check for hot-fixes or security update for those from the Vendors website.
Other than that using caution when downloading items from a site you are not familiar with is wise.
From the looks of it PCMATIC's main strength is detecting likely malware on your computer, but as they do not make use of well known white lists like other antivirus programs use, its not very good at informing you what actual malware is present, [ which is helpful if you want to research how to remove it yourself, or find out what risks it exposed you to ].