How to disable Hibernation in Windows 10

How to disable Hibernation in Windows 10

When you hibernate your PC, it saves your current session to a large file on disk (hiberfil.sys) and fully powers down your computer (unlike sleep mode, that stays in a low-power state). This is a good way to resume your previous work state and to quickly power on your PC, but it can occasionally be a little problematic (often with hardware peripherals or certain 3rd party applications). Hibernation is a very useful tool (especially for laptops, that can save the current work state if the battery is about to die) - so I would not recommend disabling it unless absolutely necessary.

To begin, load an elevated powershell prompt by right clicking the start button and selecting Windows Powershell (admin):


Now, run the following command:

powercfg.exe /h off


It's as simple as that. Hibernation mode is now disabled. If you would like to reverse this change in the future, you can repeat the steps above and use "powercfg.exe /h on" as the command.
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